Sunday 25 March 2012

I am music teacher?


     I will laugh with non - stop if I flashed back the happened during my third pbs at SK Tawang. on the that day, I have to replace a teacher who absent because he was going to PPD. I and my friend entered the class and decided to play a game with them..
        Before we start out game,I taught them several song that I have learned in scout such as "Rumput yang hijau" and " Jambatan Goyang2x"..
      They really enjoyed sang the song. They are really sporting and funny!

     suddenly a students ask me " teacher, what do you teach?"
                   I answered : "mathematics. why?"
                   the student asked again" so how do you know a lot of song and know how to sing well"
                   I answered : " oh really"..haha

I never know that I have talent in singing..maybe after a lot of practiced with alyaa and ana at karaoke really help me in this matter..haha!
 I really miss them!

How to be a Good Teacher ??

 Everyone has their own definitions for a good teacher. Some said a good teacher must be loved and liked by all of his or her students. And some said a good teacher surely can produce a lot of best students. But for me, I have different opinions about characteristics of a good teacher.  
Firstly, a good teacher must have passion for teaching. It is because if they have passion for teaching in their soul, they will do the best and anything they can do in their teaching. As we can see that, a good teacher will give out everything they have got and everything they know to give their students the best learning. It is surprising that a good teacher will stay calm and spirited although they have to teach same things for several times because their pupils do not understand. As we can see a good teacher will not have problems to work to work overtime for extra classes without concern about the pay that they will get.
Secondly, a good teacher must love the subject they are teaching. If the teacher love their subject, they will take pride in teaching it as well. In turn, they will bring ourself to come in excited and enthusiastic for their lesson. At the same time, their students also will interested and enjoy to their teaching. In addition, good teachers not only love their subject, but they love to share that joy with students.For example in history subject, the teacher can be a story teller or an actor or actress to visualize what they want to teach to the students. By doing this way, it will motivate students to learn and love the subject and also to teachers the as they can see their teachers show enthusiasm in teaching them the subject.
Thirdly, a good teacher must be highly knowledgeable and up to date in their subject area. A good teacher will constantly trying to learn more about their subject. It is to make sure that the teachers can answer anything questions from the students. However, do not pretend to know it all. A good teacher is willing to learn from students. Nowadays, students are more up to date in technologies and gadget than their teachers. Maybe in computer lesson, teachers ought to ask opinions adn help from their students if something happen such as installing new software in computer.
Lastly, a good teacher must know how deal and treat with the students well. Teachers must show empathy and fairness among students without look at their background. A good teacher should treat their students well in physically and emotionally. By doing this way, the bond between the teachers and students are strong and communications between them also will be affected. To treat students well from physically, the teachers should know what students need in order to get ready to learn such as a good condition and environment in class including table and chair. More than that, teachers should know to treat students by emotion by understanding and concern about them health, safety and also study. A good teacher should show flexibility in responding to pupil needs especially in special education class. We can see that, in special education class, there are students who have different needs and problems. So, their teachers know the basic how to handle with their students such as quick treatment for the epilepsy.  
 As my simple conclusions, a good teacher should have all the good qualities so that they can be a role model for their students. A good teacher should have passion in teaching, love and highly knowledgeable in their subject. But not least, a good teacher should know how to treat their students well.

Sunday 19 February 2012


     In this entry, I would like to talk about handphone. I am very sure all of knew what is it! And I am sure all of you have handphone , right? Nowadays, handphone is one of our basic necessities like food. It is because we cannot life without handphones. Hnadphones are really useful to us. We can calling someone who are far away from us, message to inform something to our friends.
     Nowadays, we can see a lot of models, colours, functions and features for handphones. There are Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericson and Blackberry which comes in many beautiful colours such as black, red and also pink! Latest  handphone's models have many advanced functions such as video calls, internet, WIFI, camera, GSP and so on.
         In my opinion, it is enough to have  a simple handphones that we can call and messaging. That is  the main idea why we need a handphone in our life. I also use a simple handphone  that is Nokia C3. I brought it because my old handphone was damaged and cannot be repaired. I just this model because it is simple but nice plus it is cheap and the most important is, this model is really long lasting and durable. I do not like a touch screen model because i have to take long time to type a short message. It is really troublesome for me..HAHA 


Look at my cousin, she is only 5 years old, but she really good in downloading game using Galaxy Tab!

Friday 17 February 2012



The story, Kevin by Catherine Lim, is a good story. I think that the story is very easy to understand as the writer used simple sentences. The story contains a lot of moral values that we can apply in our daily life.
I feel really thankful because I do not have a mother like Kevin’s mother. I cannot imagine how I suffer if I have a mother like that. If we see from Kevin’s side, I feel pity for Kevin. It is because her mother really strict and control everything in his life especially about his study. It is really stressful for him as a child. As we can see, his mother did not want Kevin to friend with Boon Kee as she thinks he would give bad influences to Kevin. I can imagine how Kevin’s personality would be if he continued to be stress like that. He will become an independent man as everything had been done by his mother. Furthermore, he cannot make decision on something by himself even choosing a t- shirt.
But from the other side, I think his mother had done her best for his son. Every mother in this world wants their children to be succeeded in their life. A mother’s responsibility is really big and not easy to be done. Maybe Kevin’s mother is too over about it. Maybe she should be more tolerance. Sometimes she should understand what are Kevin wants and his feeling. It is really important to maintain the relationship between them. As we can see Kevin seemed not to care about his mother’s condition after he knew his mother was hospitalized.
I promise I will be a good mother to my children soon. I want to be a strict mother like Kevin’s mother but in the same time I want to be a loving and understanding mother to them.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Me & Stage Fright!

.....Me & Stage Fright....

     One INCIDENT happened. I really cannot forget that incident! It was really embarrassed to me! 
After the incident happened, I will feel very scared to stand up on the stage and to face the audiences.
let me tell you what is the incident that I mentioned before..

    One sunny day, I  and  the other 5 my friends, was selected for representing my class for a Nasyid Competition. Our class had to combine with Pre- school class to perform a less 2 nasyid songs. 
       After 2 best songs were chosen, we practiced together  to make sure that our performance is the best. A little argument happened during our practice but we solved it so that nobody will get hurt.
      I felt very nervous before the performance. But my friends helped me to calm down a little bit by taking a deep breath. But our performance was not so good. The other groups had performed very well at night. I felt very embarrassed during our performance. There were audiences shouted at us to go out from the stage. some of the audiences were laughing during our performance (do they think we are making jokes like a clown on the stage). I felt like I not wear any clothes and want to run from the stage. But, I do not do like that, because I think that more horrible and people will think me as a coward. 

        We had done our best but, I think I do not suitable for this skill and I admit that I got no talent in Nasyid. That is my sincere declaration..Haha
I can not forget this for my whole life!


what I can write about it?

I can see a figure of water in a glass or  a long calculation if I think about solution. There are many definitions of solution.

when I got this topic, I felt very excited.  After that I asked my friend, what I can write about this topic. I really blurred a that time.
 I spent a lot of time thinking what I am going to write about this topic..

       Lastly I got idea what I want to write about this topic. I want to tell you guys about my experience to find best solution to my problem. It happened 2 years ago, after I got my SPM 's result. My problem was I had to choose where I want to further my study. Seriously, it really CONFUSING ! I had to choose whether to enter matriculation college, UITM or IPG...
      Actually the offers that I got were not what I want. My mother said softly to me" Angah, I hope you make best solution to your problem. Otherwise you will regret for your whole life. Take a deep thinking and think about your future. Choose what you will not regret soon.If you ask my opinion, I will encourage you to enter IPG. I really hope that you will be a teacher. But, it's on your own."

.......Many ways that I had done to find a best solution to my problem. I went to ask my others family members, asked my teacher's opinion and also got some advices from my friends. I also prayed to Allah s.w.t for help and guidance.
      I After took a deep thinking, I finally come out with my best SOLUTION! Solution that I will not regret for whole my life. Thanks to my princess of heart ( my mom).

Monday 13 February 2012

The Journey of a Drover

The drovers had to overcome the problem of the long journey by providing sufficient foods for their cattle. The drovers had to rely on the food that could be found along the way. They also have great skill in manoeuvring the herds that often spread over distances by riding ahead on horseback. They also had to be particularly careful that the cattle did not betray into private land as they had to pay for any damage they had done. The drovers had to be on the look-out for farms and blow a horn to warn the farmer of their approach so that their herds will not mixed up. Cattle are easily frightened by sudden loud noises. It took hours to calm and gather the cattle. They also have to cope with robbers that will attack them and the herds. The drovers have to know about temperament of the animals to judge how far and how fast to drive them.